WanderTek offers FREE PRIME-HRM solution to LGUs

WanderTek, a Filipino-owned digital marketing company, is offering a FREE Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME–HRM) solution to Local Government Units (LGUs) in order to effectively support the efficient government services and simplify operations in the Philippines. The aim is to help local governments comply with the Civil Service Commission. WanderTek actively contributes to the modernization and transformation of government processes by providing accessible and user-friendly E-HRIS technology.

The Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 passed to make doing business in the Philippines easier and improve government service delivery. This historic legislation aims to simplify government procedures, reduce bureaucratic red tape, and improve public service efficiency and accuracy.

The act emphasizes the importance of automated systems in ensuring efficient and accountable governance. Government agencies can optimize their processes, reduce delays, and provide faster and more convenient services to citizens and businesses by adopting digital solutions.

Recognizing the significance of technology in achieving the goals of the Ease of Doing Business Act, WanderTek has taken a proactive role in assisting LGUs by providing free PRIME-HRM solutions. WanderTek intends to help local government units automate their human resource management processes and improve productivity by incorporating productivity features, which are critical for efficient service delivery.

WanderTek’s PRIME-HRM simplifies and digitizes various HR functions, including employee records management, attendance tracking, payroll processing, leave management, and performance evaluation. Implementing PRIME-HRM enables LGUs to reduce paperwork, improve data accuracy, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

PRIME-HRM Benefits:

  • Time and Cost Savings: The automated nature of PRIME-HRM eliminates manual paperwork and reduces time spent on administrative tasks. This allows local government employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities, resulting in increased productivity and cost savings.
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: By digitizing HR processes, PRIME-HRM reduces the risk of human error and data inconsistency. Accurate and up-to-date employee records enable local governments to make informed decisions and run transparent operations.
  • Simplified Workflows: PRIME-HRM simplifies and standardizes HR processes, ensuring consistent adherence to policies and procedures across departments. This leads to improved coordination, smoother workflows, and collaboration among LGU employees.
  • Compliance with CSC: PRIME-HRM helps LGUs align with the government’s goal of creating a business-friendly environment and providing efficient services to citizens.

WanderTek’s initiative to provide free PRIME-HRM solutions to Local Government Units in the Philippines is a commendable contribution. Automating HR processes allows LGUs to improve efficiency, enhance service delivery, and promote transparency.

As more LGUs adopt modern digital solutions, the governance landscape in the Philippines will evolve, creating a more business-friendly environment and fostering economic growth. WanderTek’s contribution demonstrates the power of technology in driving positive change and accelerating progress in government services.